Diagnosing Sleep Apnea At Home

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea At Home

mansfield sleep apnea test

When you have symptoms of sleep apnea and need treatment, you may assume part of the diagnostic process will involve trying to rest in a lab setting. But our team offers a convenient and advanced alternative! At our Mansfield, TX dental office, we can provide an at-home diagnosis for this disorder, so we can choose the best treatment option for you!

The Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea

How do you know if you need professional help with a sleep disorder? Sleep apnea means that you stop breathing multiple times in the night, caused by the collapse of soft tissues obstructing air passages. Your brain wakes you once it registers the sudden drop in oxygen, but you likely won’t remember all of these episodes, even though they interrupt your sleep cycle multiple times every night. Warning signs include chronic snoring, waking up gasping for air or choking, sudden cessation of breathing, dry mouth, and headaches. During the day you could feel embarrassed and moody, and may have trouble concentrating on tasks at work or school. Don’t ignore these warning signs, reach out to our team today!

The Dangers for Your Oral Health

The disorder could occur due to factors like age, weight, neck circumference, sinus and allergy issues, deviated septum, or complications with the growth and development of your oral structures and jaw. Without treatment, your daytime drowsiness could persist, and you could also experience stress on your immune system, so more frequent illness is possible. Over time, this could also strain your cardiovascular system so you’re more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. When you notice these symptoms we discussed above, please see us for a diagnosis!

Our Diagnostic Technology

If we examine your smile and oral structures and find possible warning signs of sleep apnea, we will then recommend an at-home sleep test. This is much more effective than trying to sleep in a lab setting and is much easier for you! You will take the device home and at night connect a sensor to your chest, and wear a watch on your wrist and a device that fits over one of your fingers. The device then monitors you for signs of breathing cessation and changes to blood pressure. A board-certified sleep doctor will then examine the results and interpret the data to see what treatment you may need!

If you have any questions about diagnosing and treating sleep apnea, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About our Diagnostic Technology

We want to help you enjoy a good night’s rest and that starts with assessing your sleep disorder! For more information on how we diagnose sleep apnea issues, call our Mansfield, TX, dental office today at (817) 592-8475.