Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

mansfield sleep apnea

When you find yourself waking suddenly in the night, or suffering from chronic snoring and daytime exhaustion, this could all point to sleep apnea. When you have issues with sleep, you need treatment to avoid eventual pressures on your immune and cardiovascular systems. At our Mansfield, TX dental office, we can provide a comfortable and noninvasive solution to sleep apnea.

The Cessation of Breathing

Sleep apnea means that as you rest at night, soft tissues in the throat and the back of your mouth become too relaxed and subsequently collapse. The collapse then cuts off airflow. You stop breathing briefly until the brain registers the sudden drop in oxygen and wakes you. While you may not remember this happening, it can interrupt your sleep cycle hundreds of times a night, so you’re exhausted the next day. This could be linked to a number of factors, such as sinus and allergy issues, deviated septum, issues with the growth of the oral structures and the jaw, obesity, or even neck circumference.

Warning Signs of Sleep Issues

How do you know if you suffer from sleep apnea? If you feel like you slept well but always feel tired and moody for the day, this could be a factor. As could chronic snoring, dry mouth, headaches, and waking up gasping for air or choking in the night. You could also have trouble focusing on tasks at work or school. When you begin to notice these symptoms or a significant other alerts you to them, please reach out to our team for a possible solution. Otherwise, the disorder could continue to impact how you feel during the day and strain your immune system to make more frequent illness a possibility. The stress on your heart health is also linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, and even stroke or heart attack.

An Oral Appliance Solution

Our team can offer a comfortable solution that is noninvasive. Instead of surgery or a CPAP machine, we could help you rest easy with an oral appliance. The device is worn like a mouthguard as you rest, but it shifts the tongue and jaw forward to keep airways open and free of complications. You then breathe easily, and avoid the symptoms of sleep apnea, so you can feel more rested and alert during the day.

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat issues like sleep apnea, then please reach out to our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Mansfield, TX Dentist About Treating Sleep Disorders

Our team wants to help you rest easy with a custom and comfortable oral appliance! For more information on how we treat common sleep disrobes and bring you relief, call our Mansfield, TX, dental office today at (817) 592-8475.