Snoring is Affecting My Relationship

Does your spouse or partner constantly complain that your snoring keeps them awake? Maybe they’ve even taken the drastic step of sleeping in another room. Unfortunately, one partner’s snoring can have far-reaching effects on a romantic relationship.

If neither you nor your partner is getting a good night’s sleep, it’s hard to foster a meaningful connection, especially if you’re not sharing a room. Lack of sleep can also cause your spouse to become resentful, distant and disengaged.

Fortunately, this relationship problem may have a relatively simple fix, and it doesn’t even require sessions with a couples counselor. If your snoring is due to a health condition known as sleep apnea, treatment is available that will eliminate your snoring and help you get a more restful night’s sleep.

Snoring Affects Relationships | Sleep Apnea Treatment | Mansfield, TX
Wake Up Tired | Sleep Apnea | Chronic Snoring | Mansfield, TX
Other Issues Caused By Sleep Apnea

Keep in mind that a partner who is cranky because of disrupted sleep is far from the only problem caused by untreated sleep apnea. When you can’t get good, consistent, restorative sleep, you may notice that you experience:

  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Poor impulse control
  • Frequent headaches or sore throats upon waking

There are also several serious health risks associated with sleep apnea, including:

  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke

Patients with sleep apnea may even face a greater risk of sudden death. We don’t say this to scare you. We just want you to appreciate the value of getting sleep apnea treatment.

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis And Treatment

Indeed, your relationship doesn’t need to suffer due to your sleep apnea, and neither do you. Effective treatment options are available to eliminate your snoring and help both you and your partner get more restful sleep. For sleep apnea treatment to be effective, we first have to confirm the diagnosis through a sleep study that is completed in the comfort of your own home. This at-home sleep study is convenient and easy to use.

Once we’ve confirmed that obstructive sleep apnea is the cause of your snoring, we can move into the treatment phase so that you can get some relief from all of the problems caused by this condition. We understand that our patients often want alternatives to bulky, uncomfortable CPAP machines, so we offer oral appliance therapy. With this treatment, you wear a custom-designed mouthguard while you sleep. This sleep apnea treatment offers the ultimate comfort and convenience.

Both a good night’s sleep and a happier partner are within reach for you if you get effective sleep apnea treatment. Call Crosspointe Sleep Solutions today to schedule your consultation and get started on restoring your relationship bliss.