Treat Your Sleep Apnea With A Quieter Method

When it comes to the treatment of chronic obstructive sleep apnea, most people instinctively think about CPAP machines, as they have become a symbol for the condition. There are other options available, if you would like to avoid the bulkiness and obtrusion that comes alongside this method of sleep apnea therapy. At Crosspointe Sleep Solutions in Mansfield, TX, we proudly offer you a range of treatment possibilities, so that you can rest easier through the night.

One method of overnight apnea therapy that is becoming more popular is the use of an oral appliance to keep the airway open while you sleep. This custom device gently repositions your jaw forward, which is often enough to prevent the tissue of your throat from contact. An oral appliance-based approach uses a slim BPA-free material, giving you the ability to stay quiet as you sleep, while ensuring that you receive an adequate amount of oxygen. Take advantage of this opportunity, and discover how great a full night of sleep can feel!

How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Health, Both Immediately And In The Future

Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that often masks as problem snoring. If your loved ones have mentioned their concern over your nightly habits, take the time to speak with a trusted sleep scientist about your needs, as there are major health complications that can arise with this disorder. When you pause your breath during sleep, you could deprive your brain and heart of the oxygen they need, sometimes for even longer than a minute!

These patients experience a higher prevalence of heart disease and stroke, so the complications can be serious and potentially life-threatening. If you have been putting off seeking treatment for your condition, you could be doing long-term damage to your circulatory system. You also might notice that you are feeling tired, even before lunch.

An Oral Appliance Allows You To Rest Without The Noise Of A Machine

With some traditional methods of sleep apnea treatment, it can be a struggle to fall asleep, as CPAP machines can be loud and obtrusive. Instead, ask your provider if an oral appliance is the right fit for your needs. Many patients have found relief in the use of these slim acrylic guards, which your provider custom fits to your bite. These appliances work through the gentle repositioning of your jaw, as a simple move forward can keep your airway free from obstruction.

Speak With A Trusted Sleep Specialist In Mansfield, TX

If you have been avoiding treatment for your sleep apnea, do not put it off any longer. Take the time to set up an appointment with our Mansfield, TX practice at (817) 592-8175 and start your path toward a better sleep!

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