4 Signs You Need Expansive Orthodontic Treatment

Expansive orthodontic treatment widens the upper or lower jaw to help clear your airway, accommodate teeth, and correct dental issues. It may be just the option you need to stop using your CPAP machine.  An upper palate expander forces the bones apart, widening the roof of your mouth. A lower jaw expander pushes the teeth… Continue reading 4 Signs You Need Expansive Orthodontic Treatment

Sleep Apnea: Looking for a CPAP alternative?

Is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device considered to be the gold standard in sleep apnea treatment? Yes. Do so many patients get fed up with their CPAPs that they abandon treatment entirely? Also yes. Fortunately, there is a CPAP alternative that is a better fit for patients’ lifestyles. Forgoing sleep apnea treatment entirely… Continue reading Sleep Apnea: Looking for a CPAP alternative?

Oral Appliance Therapy to Treat Sleep Apnea

Did you know that there are non-surgical treatment options for sleep apnea that don’t involve the use of bulky machinery? Oral appliance therapy is a viable alternative to surgery and cumbersome CPAP machines. This treatment option is convenient and comfortable. Does sleep apnea really require professional treatment? Some folks can improve their sleep apnea symptoms… Continue reading Oral Appliance Therapy to Treat Sleep Apnea

What is sleep apnea?

Because sleep apnea is associated with a number of serious health conditions, it’s important to know what causes it, what its symptoms are and what treatments are available. If you have sleep apnea, you will want to pursue interventions to restore your health and wellbeing. Sleep Apnea: What causes it? Sleep apnea occurs when the… Continue reading What is sleep apnea?

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