Do you often experience snoring or waking in the night struggling to take in air? If so, these could be two signs you may be experiencing sleep apnea symptoms, and treatment is crucial. For an accurate diagnosis, we can provide a simple take-home testing kit. At our Mansfield, TX dental office, we’re ready to help people find a solution for chronic snoring and sleep apnea.
When should you see a professional about your sleep issues? Obstructive sleep apnea is a common disorder that could eventually strain your heart health and immune system. Fortunately, our Mansfield, TX dental office can offer an at-home sleep test and a treatment that doesn’t require a CPAP machine!
When you have symptoms of sleep apnea and need treatment, you may assume part of the diagnostic process will involve trying to rest in a lab setting. But our team offers a convenient and advanced alternative! At our Mansfield, TX dental office, we can provide an at-home diagnosis for this disorder, so we can choose the best treatment option for you!
You know you tend to snore at night. You also recognize that your days feel longer and harder because you never wake up feeling refreshed. These are two signs that sleep apnea has become a problem, and they should not be taken lightly. If this condition is affecting your health, it makes you vulnerable to worsening problems with your mood, energy levels, and health! Our Mansfield, TX, sleep treatment office can provide an effective response for this condition so that it stops affecting you. We also provide a convenient at-home sleep test to confirm that the problem is present and in need of treatment.