Why More Patients Are Choosing Expansive Orthodontics

Why More Patients Are Choosing Expansive Orthodontics

For many, a good night’s sleep is as elusive as catching the Sandman in the act. But there is good news, and sleep doesn’t have to be fleeting. At Crosspointe Sleep Solutions, we are dedicated to getting to the root of your sleep problem, so we can help you find solutions and much-needed rest. One solution is expansive orthodontics for sleep apnea.

Some suffer from a smaller than normal airway making breathing during the night a problem. CPAP and Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) are both viable options. But for those who have a narrow mouth or throat, expansive orthodontics may be the answer. And more patients are choosing expansive orthodontics for sleep apnea than ever before.

Expansive orthodontics uses a series of clear aligners to widen the upper palate over time. There are many benefits to expansive orthodontics. And it’s these benefits and restful results that drive this solution’s patient popularity.

Expansive Orthodontics for Sleep Apnea Treats the Root of the ProblemPhoto by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@eyeforebony?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Eye for Ebony</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

CPAP and OAT are both treatments that can ensure that you can breathe throughout the night. But they are a crutch. The underlying problem, the reason you get short of breath, remains. However, by widening the upper palate with expansive orthodontics, your airway opens, ending your sleep apnea once and for all. 

Expansive Orthodontics Gives Your Teeth Breathing Room

When your upper palate is broader, your teeth have more room. More room means less crowding. In many cases, your teeth will align themselves naturally. More room also makes brushing and flossing more manageable and more effective. Fewer cavities mean better oral and overall health.

Expansive Orthodontics Gives You a Wider Smile

Most people show their upper teeth when they smile. When your upper palate is broader, more teeth show in your smile. Your entire face has a more open and attractive look. In addition, expansive orthodontics can remedy sleep apnea along with other issues, such as overbite and crossbite over time.

Younger Patients Can Use Expansive Orthodontics for Sleep Apnea

Unfortunately, even children can suffer from sleep apnea and other teeth-crowding issues. In youngsters, mechanical issues such as a narrow upper palate is usually the culprit. When diagnosed early, sleep apnea can be treated proactively. A CPAP machine won’t work for many children, but expansive orthodontics can. In addition, a wider upper jaw may cure issues such as tooth crowding and overbite long before the child needs braces. Finally, expansive orthodontics works with the child’s growth rather than against it.

More and more patients are choosing expansive orthodontics for sleep apnea because they want to cure sleep and oral issues rather than treating symptoms. If you believe you might be a candidate for expansive orthodontics, give us a call at Crosspointe Sleep Solutions. We can find the ideal solution to your sleep issues. So you and the Sandman can be best friends again.