oral appliance therapy Mansfield TX

woman sleeping peacefully sleep apnea treatment conceptSleep apnea treatment should provide you with a better night's rest. Unfortunately, people who depend on a CPAP machine for treatment can find that their "improvement" comes with its own difficulties. If your mask makes falling and staying asleep comfortable, CPAP treatment can fail to provide the benefits that you are seeking. Fortunately, this is not the only treatment option available to you! Crosspointe Sleep Solutions is prepared to offer an alternative in the form of oral appliance therapy. With this appliance, we can help you rest without experiencing breathing difficulties by correcting the position of your jaw and stopping airway interference from occurring.

Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes patients to stop breathing for brief periods while they sleep, deprives your body of oxygen, which affects your health and wellbeing. Some of the health effects of untreated sleep apnea are serious, even life-threatening. Fortunately, you don’t have to...