Oral Appliance Therapy to Treat Sleep Apnea

Oral Appliance Therapy to Treat Sleep Apnea

oral appliance therapy Mansfield TXDid you know that there are non-surgical treatment options for sleep apnea that don’t involve the use of bulky machinery? Oral appliance therapy is a viable alternative to surgery and cumbersome CPAP machines. This treatment option is convenient and comfortable.

Does sleep apnea really require professional treatment?

Some folks can improve their sleep apnea symptoms by making lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and/or drinking. Others can see improvement if they lose weight. For the most part, those with recurring obstructive sleep apnea may continue to struggle with low energy, headaches, and changes in their mood.

When lifestyle changes aren’t enough, seeing a professional for treatment is a wise idea. Untreated sleep apnea could affect your overall health and even increase your risk for developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Without treatment, obstructive sleep apnea could drastically impair your memory along with your cognitive and motor function. This is because sleep apnea causes sleep deprivation.

What is an oral appliance and how does it treat sleep apnea?

An oral appliance is worn inside your mouth while you sleep. It is custom made so that it fits comfortably. This device works by positioning your lower jaw forward. Repositioning the lower mandible in this way will widen the diameter of the airway. Increasing the size of the airway will prevent episodes of apnea, which are caused by soft oral tissue relaxing at the back of your throat.

Oral appliances offer great advantages for treating sleep apnea when compared to CPAP and surgery. First, oral appliance therapy is very comfortable to wear and easy to sleep with. There are no face/nasal masks, nor are there hoses that may make changing sleep positions uncomfortable.

Oral appliance therapy is convenient and low maintenance. It is easy to clean and it’s easy to transport. Simply use a soft brush and clean your oral appliance with a mild soap and warm water. It comes with a travel case that can fit in the palm of your hand.

If you currently use CPAP or think you might have sleep apnea, call Crosspointe Sleep Solutions to schedule an oral appliance consultation with our dentist.